Solutions for NGOs & Cultural Heritage

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 - 16:00 to 17:30
Danube Suite 2


Linked Data at the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE)

A core activity of the RCE is to make cultural heritage information available. Currently this is inefficient in both resources and people. Information products are not available, usable and (legally) consistent. Information is also not offered in conjunction and not easy to combine. This is not something you want to offer to your internal and external customers.  

Building library networks with Linked Data

The KB, national library of the Netherlands, aims to provide unhindered access to the publicly funded library collections in the Netherlands. The KB has a long history of collaboration with partners in the domains of public libraries, cultural heritage and academics to achieve this goal. Publishing bibliographic metadata and content as open as possible and in a standardized way has been ongoing work for many years. In recent years this network effort has even become the core of our strategy.

Developing a Semantic Hub for an International Development Bank

Enterprise Knowledge is developing a semantic hub for an international development bank that provides content recommendations for the intranet, external website, and as an agent for meeting requests.  Learn how we designed this cutting edge solution and the challenges we faced in implementing it.