
Wednesday, September 12, 2018 - 12:15 to 13:15
Danube Suite 1


UNiCS: The open data platform for Research and Innovation

The paper introduces UNiCS, the open platform for Research and Innovation data management. The UNiCS platform follows the Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) approach, which eases the access to a vast amount of heterogeneous data, offering the final users means by formulating queries using terms from the knowledge domain they are experts in. Therefore, each query gets transformed in a set of optimised queries to different data sources.

A Semantic Catalogue for the Data Market Austria

The Data Market Austria (DMA) is an ecosystem of federated data and service infrastructures. It aims at making data from various data providers accessible and interoperable by allowing the submission, storage, management and dissemination of static datasets or streaming data services. By creating a metadata vocabulary, standardizing the ingest of data and ensuring the quality and completeness of metadata, it lays the ground to enable participants to share or consume datasets residing in different infrastructures.