(Semi) automatic conversion of tabular data to Linked Data

Tuesday, September 11, 2018 - 13:30 to 17:30
Seminarraum 124

Organizing Committee:  Tomas Knap, Semantic Web Company, Ziqi Zhang, Information School, University of Sheffield, Suvodeep Mazumdar, Sheffield Hallam University, Sebastian Neumaier, Vienna University of Economics and Business



More and more governmental organizations publish their data as open data (most typically as CSV files1). Nevertheless, in order to publish such data as Linked Data, further non-trivial effort is needed, which is often not done by these organizations. The goal of the workshop is to present the approaches we (Semantic Web Company, University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University) use to simplify publishing of Linked Data from tabular data by using tools for (semi)automatic conversion of tabular data to Linked Data. We would like to discuss the issues/lessons learned we have so far, present the evaluations of such tools, and future directions in that area, etc.

Preliminary Agenda:

  • Introduction, general issues, tools
  • Introduction to Odalic tool, its current status, ADEQUATe project
  • Odalic - Demo
  • Hands-on sessions - practical use of Odalic, discussion (lessons learned, best practises, issues) 
  • Summary, future directions

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