Governing Value: The Practice of Exploiting Data Value

Tuesday, September 11, 2018 - 09:00 to 17:30
EI 8 Potzl HS

Organizing Committee: Judie Attard, Rob Brennan, Markus Helfurt, Pieter De Leenheer


Dialogue needs to be established with regard to the exploitation of data through the use of data governance, in order to initiate further innovation.

Data has become an indispensable commodity. All data has a certain amount of value, and its use will result in a number of different impacts in different dimensions. Data Value Chains are being exploited as models that drive data exploitation and value creation initiatives, yet data value is not yet efficiently exploited. Any entity that uses data, including businesses, consultancies, or app developers, are not obtaining the highest benefits from the data. Data governance, defined as the exercise of authority and control over the management of data assets, is particularly relevant to extract value from heterogeneous, networked, federated, multi-modal data sources. Yet, the governance of data is a largely context-dependent, and a challenge in itself. This workshop has the purpose of bringing together all stakeholders who exploit data with the aim of creating awareness and further understanding of the untapped value that data can yield. This will aid in the advancement of the definition data value, metrics for the various data value dimensions, and standards, as well as the validation of existing models for data value.

Expected Outcomes

  • Share knowledge about current data value exploitation processes and best practices in data governance
  • Collect stakeholder views on their perceptions and views on data value and exploitation
  • Establish and enable a discussion on data exploitation in research, industry, and beyond
  • Discuss the development of a standard model for data governance and data value
  • Validate existing data value models
  • Identify relevant metrics to quantify data value
  • Encourage the use of data value exploitation processes
  • Define standards
  • Discuss and explore existing and potential impacts (in different dimensions) of exploiting data value

Structure of the Event

This workshop will consist in a number of presentations from experts to introduce various dimensions/perspectives of data value. Experts from different sectors will be invited, including from Collibra; a data governance platform provider, ADAPT, UNIBAS and UCLM, and experts from our current data value network, such as members of the standards community, journal editors, and W3C members.

This will then be followed by grouping of the participants to engage in short, targeted discussions. The outcome will be presented/discussed with all the participants. The topics include:

  • Modelling data value
  • Data value governance platforms
  • Standards, including interoperability standards
  • Spot topics (e.g. ethics, societal values)

The expected participants, including researchers (academia and industry), businesses, and governmental entities, will be ideal to generate a concrete discussion on the mentioned topics; providing different views, perceptions, expertise, challenges, and solutions/approaches.

Registration to this workshop

You need an admission to the SEMANTICS 2018 conference to attend this workshop.
You may choose a full conference pass or a single day workshop ticket at our ticket store.
Please enter your ticket ID and email to register for this workshop.

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