Linked Data Management & Data Quality 3

Thursday, September 13, 2018 - 11:45 to 12:45
Danube Suite 1


SHACL-based data life cycle management

PoolParty Semantic Suite is Semantic Web Company’s platform for enterprise information integration based on Linked Data principles. PoolParty consists of several components that process and manage RDF based data sets. These components have consistency requirements towards the data they work on. Also, users have requirements towards the quality of the data they manage. We want to express constraints for both in a standard way throughout PoolParty components. SKOS-based PoolParty Thesaurus project data requires both consistency and quality.

Enhancing Explanations in Recommender Systems with Knowledge Graphs

Recommender systems are becoming must-have facilities on e-commerce websites to alleviate information overload and to improve user experience. One important component of such systems is the explanations of the recommendations. Existing explanation approaches have been classified by style and the classes are aligned with the ones for recommendation approaches, such as collaborative-based and content-based. Thanks to the semantically interconnected data, knowledge graphs have been boosting the development of content-based explanation approaches.